My name is Nick.

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved making videos

Growing up, my neighborhood friends and I would make movies.

I used my Dad’s Panasonic Mini DV camcorder. We made fake commercials, a parody of America’s Next Top Model, and our best narrative work: Ninja Town.

The sequel, Ninja Town 2, got stuck in pre-production because of 10th grade final exams.


I feel lucky to be doing this work.

Filmmaking is something that has always been a part of my life. I couldn’t imagine being in another line of work. Being able to work with cameras, lights, and talented clients is such an amazing experience.


We are called “Brothers & Sisters” for a reason.

My favorite part of this industry is the collaborative nature of the work.

When you’re working with me: You’ll have another person on your team supporting you.

Bounce ideas off of me or vent about your day before we start our meeting. I believe that we make better, more impactful creative decisions when we work within relationships that feel comfortable, safe, and supportive.



Let's Start a Project!

Phone: 716.713.2144